Coronavirus Outbreak Teleconference
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
***Media Teleconference***
Michigan Residents Wait for Water Access as COVID-19 Outbreak Grows Across the State
Statewide #TurnWaterOn Coalition Respond to Governor Gretchen’s Executive Order
Detroit, MI – Freshwater Future and We The People of Detroit are joining forces to demand that Michigan mayors and county executives restore water to those who have been shut off as soon as possible. According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, as of Saturday morning, the state ranked seventh nationally in the number of confirmed cases per capita with 5,486 cases and 132 deaths. Michigan mayors and water service providers must be transparent, providing data of residences that have been shut off and subsequently restored to remain in compliance with Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s executive order. We must hold them accountable to ensure that Michigan residents have access to clean, safe water for their handwashing and sanitation.
On Wednesday, April 1, from 10 – 11 AM EST, medical professionals will join community groups and public health experts to update the media via teleconference on the public health impact of water shuts offs and how they are contributing to the high rate of coronavirus infection throughout the state. Access to clean, safe water is an essential tool to protect residents against the virus and reduce community spread. Leaders must move faster to reverse residential water shutoffs to ensure all residents can help flatten the curve and work to develop a plan to keep water on by making water more affordable for our most vulnerable citizens.
#TurnWaterOn #KeepWaterOn #MakeWaterAffordable
Teleconference Schedule:
10:00 – Jill – Welcome and Introductions
10:02 – Monica – Welcome and frames Michigan Executive Order with public health
10:04 – Dr. Wendy Sternberg – global and historical pandemic/infectious perspectives
10:12 – Dr. Wendy Johnson – global and historical pandemic/infectious perspectives
10:20 – Dr. Nadia Gaber - water affordability/the burden of chronic disease in Detroit
10:28 – Nick Leonard – Taskforce on transparency and enforcement
10:32 – Questions
Coronavirus Outbreak Media Update via Teleconference
Dr. Wendy Sternberg, Physician and Medical Strategy, Public Health Institute Ad Hoc Team, Founder and Executive Director, Genesis at the Crossroads
Dr. Wendy Johnson, MD MPH, Clinical Assistant Professor of Global Health, University of Washington
Dr. Nadia Gaber, Ph.D. University of California Berkeley
Dr. Pamela Pugh, Chief Public Health Advisory for the City of Flint
Nick Leonard, Executive Director, Great Lakes Environmental Law Center
Monica Lewis-Patrick, President and CEO, We The People of Detroit
Moderator – Jill Ryan, Executive Director, Freshwater Future
Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 10 AM – 11 AM EST
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